Friday, December 24, 2010

Freshly squeezed

         My roommate A. recently purchased a second-hand fridge for our spacious 3 BHK (bedroom hall kitchen) house.  Up until a few days ago, all perishables were consumed within twenty four hours or not consumed at all, but now with the power of modern science and the first law of thermodynamics working in our favor, we can store things like leftovers, yogurt, milk, eggs, meat, etc.  To celebrate the occasion, I went out and purchased some Tropicana OJ, a sorely missed fixture of breakfast.  There are plenty of juice stands in India selling freshly squeezed pineapple, grape, banana, musk melon, lime, mosambi and papaya juice, but it's not really orange season and besides these places aren't open in the morning when orange juice is most needed. (Surprisingly, juice stands are open almost as late as the bars which are required to close by 11:30.  Pineapple juice night-cap, anyone?)  So trusty Tropicana I acquired.  With relish, I opened the container this morning only to discover that the fluorescent orange liquid in my glass did not resemble the pulpy, pale yellow-orange liquid I fondly remember.  More distressing still, it didn't even remotely taste like Tropicana OJ, but rather a sugary, watered-down Tang analogue.  Sure enough, the beverage had been modified for the Indian market with added water, added sugar, added color, and reduced price.  Say goodbye to not from concentrate.  Nooooooooooo...
           To add calamity to disaster, the fluorescent light in my room prefers not to turn on in the mornings because, I'm guessing, it, like me, would rather wake up after the sun comes up.  When it does manage to produce some light, it flickers on and off, making my room resemble an ill-attended rave and adding further challenge to the already difficult task of getting ready for work.  I lost one of the pads for my headphones the other morning and couldn't find it because it was so dark.  Tragically, I had to go without music for the 1hr 15min of commuting I do each day.  Need I repeat my earlier sentiment.

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